Thursday, May 1, 2008


Well, we haven't exactly been true to our "update every Tuesday" plan. Kristin and I are coming to the end of our school year. I actually pulled an all-nighter last night to finish out a research paper...only to turn it in and begin studying for Finals. The summer will be full of classes, both seminary classes and an MBA class, in addition to our mission trip to Newfoundland at the end of the summer. All in all, I'll have 2 free weeks during the summer...I'll take what I can get! After next week, I'm 2/3 of the way through seminary...WAHOO!!!!

Kristin's new Christian organization at school is going great. They've decided on the name CIA: Christians In Action. She met with the group this morning for "See You At The Pole" and had 13 kids join her! Then this past Tuesday morning she had 15 kids come to te Bible study! God is really blessing, and increasign her sphere of influence. Pray that God continue to work through this study and that Kristin would have the opportunity to win some to Christ...afterall, that's what it's all about!

Kristin and I continue to find ourselves tremendously blessed! It's so exciting to see God so at work in our lives, guiding us down His path.

A couple things to pray for:
1. Kristin and I are in the planning stages for a VBS at Connection for the summer. Pray that God gives us guidance in choosing the material that will best serve to evangelize and grow the kids He already has in His plan to attend.
2. Continue to pray for God's guidance in our lives, marriage, and ministry with respect to Newfoundland. It seems that our excitement grows weekly for this new ministry on the horizon. Pray that God continue to grow us and train us in order to best ready us for the mission field.

Just a challenge: Make sure that you live in such a way that those around you know you belong to Christ!


1 comment:

Joel and Gwen said...

Praise God for His work in your lives! It's good to hear what y'all are up to. God bless!