Friday, August 1, 2014

Newsletter signup

Hello friends! Just a reminder...if you want to keep up with our family and ministry in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, email me at
I will add you to our monthly newsletter. Thanks!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Lord is Providing, just as He promises

The Lord is absolutely providing! These past few weeks have been tremendously encouraging for our family! God has continued to prove His direction in our lives.

As you probably know already, we are planting a church through Southwinds Church in Calgary. The pastor there, Bo Neal, is hoping to send several families with us as we plant a new church in the Mahogany community. Well, Bo told me this week that there is another church south of Calgary that is very interested in helping us to plant as well. I don't know exactly what that looks like yet, but God has definitely been laying this new church on the hearts of believers both in Calgary and here in the Southeast US.

Just last night, I had the tremendous opportunity to speak to about 200 men at our Association's Quarterly Men's Fellowship. They generously gave us $300 for speaking. But wait...the pastor of the host church, Alvin Burdette, surprised me with taking a love offering from those in attendance for our ministry. Our Director of Missions, David Shirley, asked me to come by the association office in Seneca today to pick something up. The check was the total for the love offering given by the men of Oconee County, and the total was $2,214.14!!! I was in shock. David said all I would say for the next few minutes was "Oh my goodness." I cried half way back to Westminster.

Another example is this gift from Westminster Baptist Church, and their Blue Ridge Sunday School class...

This is an 8x18 Enclosed Trailer that we transport all of our church equipment and summer camp stuff in, as we will be meeting in a community center in Calgary.

As you can see, God is providing in incredible ways! Just this week, I had a gentleman from another church who is battling leukemia drop by with his wife, and they handed me a card with $100 in it. This family didn't know me, but had heard their pastor at Holly Springs Baptist in Long Creek, SC talk about what our family is doing.

I have been incredibly humbled and yet awesomely encouraged by the people God has brought to us as partners in this process. Without help, there is absolutely no way my family could follow this calling God has given us to start a church in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

So where are we now? I have been busy continuing to pastor Corinth here in Westminster, as well as speaking in other churches who are considering partnering with us both on Sundays and Wednesdays from time to time. We are still raising our Financial Partnerships, and hope to have that complete sometime in April. As soon as that is complete, we will be moving to Calgary. As it looks right now, we still lack just over $2,000 per month in commitments.

Thank you so much for your prayers for our family...I cannot tell you how grateful we are for them, and how much God is using them!

If you would like to be put on our email list to receive newsletters, which we will begin in just a couple months, please let me know. We would love to keep you up-to-date on what God is doing in and through our ministry. To do so, simply comment to this post or email me at